Monday, October 17, 2011


Did a semi-planned ad hoc shoot in Petaluma CA this morning. A friend had asked if I was up for visiting a pumpkin patch so I pocketed some miniatures, made a few notes and "napkin sketches" and headed out. I have a fondness for pumpkins anyway and there are two pumpkin images in Curiouser and Curiouser already, so any successful shots today would be a good fit for now and leave potential for a short series of their own if it goes that direction.

The two key factors today were that I didn't know for sure what I would be getting into and without location lighting I'd be reliant on the weather and pushing camera settings to make things work. Luckily today I had an assistant to hold things, interfere with the crowd and generally just watch my things so I could focus.

Oddly, this time around, the main inspiration was a feedback loop from my own work. For me that's a good place to be, tapping a self referencing state of creative flow within a given project can drive it to interesting places. Inspiration as a general thing can come from almost any angle and often comes from a number of them all at once. With these images I'd been fixated on pumpkin related shots from a while back and loosely references travel photography I've been inundated with lately.

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